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Why You Need a Standby Generator

November 24, 2021

When you think of having a standby generator, you might not think of needing one for yourself because you have electricity at your home. Think of this, however: if you were to have a single spark make your entire home's electricity go out with a short, then you're without power to see, heat up food, or keep warm.

Electricity is a powerful thing, and a single spark can be measured with a strength of up to 3,000 volts of electricity. That's a lot, and any electrician will recommend having a standby generator for your home electricity needs, just in case. You don't want to be left without power, and here are reasons why investing in a standby generator makes sense.

Your House Could Lose Power Any Time

Be it a city power outage, a major home issue, or a large storm that kicks you out of power, when you have issues with electricity and lose power, it's always a scary thing. You may not be able to get electrical services back for some time, and electricians may be too busy servicing other clients to get to you right away.

A standby generator on your property allows you to have peace of mind knowing you can have backup power in the event a power outage occurs elsewhere. You can have your standby generator installation done by your licensed electrician; they can also help you pick the best generator for your overall needs.

You Have Electricity at All Times

Is anyone in your home dependant on an oxygen generator or CPAP machine, or do you have other reasons to have your power on all the time? Even a short power outage can be a disaster if this is the case, so have your electrician bring you a standby generator to ensure you always have access to electricity and don't have a major mishap than can be potentially dangerous.

The size of generator you need is dependent on the size of your home, so have your electrician help you choose the best one for your needs. Your standby generator can bring you much peace of mind in your home and allow you to be safer as well.

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