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Why Invest in Annual Home Generator Services?

June 10, 2024

Your home generator is one of your most important pieces of emergency equipment. According to National Public Radio, generators are becoming more popular with home and business owners alike, with some generator manufacturers experiencing a jump in revenue by 50% in 2021 alone. Your generator is only as good as the maintenance it receives, though. Here are a few key benefits of getting annual home generator services.

Ensuring Reliable Operation Every Time

A generator that has been properly serviced is more likely to provide you with the most reliable performance. Since generators often sit idle for months or even years, regular maintenance is imperative to keep them in great shape. You might think that if something isn’t used very often, it doesn’t need any maintenance, but this isn't true for generators. Since it's a core part of any emergency plan, it should be regularly checked for rusted parts, weather damage, and more.

Stopping Unplanned Downtime

When a generator doesn’t operate as needed or intended, it can lead to inconvenience and even danger. A generator can help you stay safer during an emergency power outage, whether in your home or at your business location. When you have access to lights, you can avoid falls and trips. Phone charging abilities and HVAC system functionality can keep your family, customers, or products safe.

Extending Generator Lifespan

Every time you buy something for your house, you want to get the most possible use out of it. This makes your investment more worthwhile. Keeping your home generator properly maintained with annual service can help to extend the lifespan of the machine. Get the maximum years out of your machine by letting the experts keep it in tip-top shape.

Increasing Efficiency

When it comes to your generator, you want it to use fuel as efficiently as possible. When a generator is in good shape, it won't waste fuel, ultimately saving you money. Prioritizing fuel efficiency ensures that you aren’t creating too much impact on the environment either.

These are just a few reasons why you should consider investing in annual maintenance on your home generator. If you’re looking for generator services in your area, please contact our helpful team at Stansbury Electric today. With our six-month generator checks, which include oil, spark plugs, air filters, any fluids, transfer switches, and generator system control board checks, you can feel confident that your generator will remain reliable when you need it the most.

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