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5 Things to Look For in an Electrical Company

October 11, 2023

Choosing a reliable, qualified electrical company is essential to your property's value and safety. There are always people masquerading as electricians, but unless they are certified and licensed, this may not necessarily be the case. Your family's safety could be put in jeopardy if these individuals perform electrical work in your home. Here are a few things to look for in a good electrical company.

1. Proper Certification

You want electrical services that are properly certified through the NICEIC. This is the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting. When you work with properly certified electricians, you are getting the assurance of this organization behind their work. You can rest easy knowing that they bring years of experience and expertise to their job. Don't hesitate to ask for proof of certification and licensing.

2. Quality Work

A reputable electrical company will not hesitate to provide you with proof of their past work. They are happy to give you references from past customers. Beware of a company that either doesn't have references or isn't willing to share them. This includes solar electricity work. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, it's estimated that solar will account for 30% of electricity generation in the U.S. by 2030.

3. Good Customer Service

You also want to look for a company that provides you with good customer service. Customer service matters when you're bringing people into your home to perform work. You want to be treated with respect. You also want your property treated with respect as well. When you're first talking with an electrical services company, pay attention to how they interact with you. You should also pay attention to how well they communicate and how quickly they communicate.

4. Insurance

Before hiring an electrical contractor, be sure to check if they are properly insured. Reputable companies will carry appropriate insurance to protect themselves and their customers. This insurance is in place to pay for any damage that could happen to your property.

5. Follows Building Codes

Pay attention to the way the company discusses building codes with you. You want a company that respects building codes and is committed to providing you with services that are up to code. If you're dealing with a company that wants to take shortcuts to save time or money, it could put your home or business at risk.

These were five things to look for when hiring an electrical contractor for residential or commercial work. If you're in need of expert electrical services, contact Stansbury Electric. We are here for all of your electrical needs.

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