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How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

June 5, 2023

You don't want to be stressed out every time you open your energy bill, do you? There are methods that can improve your home's energy efficiency that are surprisingly simple. Here are a few ways that you can cut down on your regular energy costs.

Use LED Bulbs

If you use typical light bulbs, you will usually find yourself swapping them out much more often than you would like to. According to the United States Department of Energy, residential LED bulbs use 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than incandescent options. Making the switch will give your home's energy efficiency a boost.

Schedule an Inspection

If your home is older or if it hasn't received professional attention in many years, chances are your system is out of date. It's possible that minor issues could be lowering its energy efficiency, but they aren't noticeable to the average person. A visit from your local electrical services company can catch anything lurking in your walls and resolve it, ensuring your system is operating properly.

Upgrade Your Appliances

Outdated appliances could also be the culprit for unmanageable energy costs. While it can feel inconvenient to spend money on newer models, making this shift can offer you benefits. You'll be able to enjoy the newest technology and reduce electrical inefficiency, which will make up for the cost in no time. If you're interested in making a change, electrical services can provide you with expert knowledge and offer you suggestions. You and your family will love having newer, brighter lighting or keeping cool with modern ceiling fans.

Install Solar Panels

If you want to dramatically change the way your home consumes energy, consider investing in solar power. While this shift might cost more upfront, you'll enjoy its benefits with lowered bills for many years to come. Your local electrical services provider can explain the entire process, discuss its benefits, complete an installation, and follow up with maintenance for you.

These are just a few of the things that you can do. If you use these strategies, you could find yourself saving a lot of money on bills and also having an energy-efficient living environment. Are you looking for
electrical services to improve the energy usage in your home? Contact our team at Stansbury Electric today. We would love to assist you!

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