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What Is the Best Fuel Source for Home Generators?

December 5, 2022

No one likes to be stuck without power. If you want to prepare for this situation, investing in a home generator might be the perfect solution. Professional home generator installation is a great option for any homeowner that wants to ensure power continuity when the grid goes down.

Before you call the professionals for your home generator installation, there are a couple of things you need to consider. One of the most important things is the type of fuel that will power your generator. You can choose between diesel fuel, natural gas, or propane to fuel your generator. It's essential that you decide which type of fuel is right for your situation before scheduling your installation. The technician will need to know what type of fuel you have selected to ensure that the right generator model is installed. Read on to learn more about your options.

Diesel Generators

Diesel gasoline-fueled generators are very popular in areas where natural gas is not an option. However, according to Consumer Reports, home generators can gobble up a lot of gas. They can easily burn through 12 to 20 gallons of gas in a day. This style of generator can get costly to operate, especially with the price of fuel being so high.

Propane Generators

Propane-fueled generators are a very popular choice in rural areas. Propane can be stored indefinitely, which means you can stock up and keep it for emergencies. On the other hand, it can be expensive to restock propane supplies, and in the case of an area-wide outage, it can be difficult to access more fuel in a pinch.

Natural Gas Generators

Natural gas is the fuel of choice for generators if you are connected to a gas line. It is the least expensive of the three options, burns cleanly, and is convenient. The only downside is that many people do not have access to a natural gas line.

One of the best ways to choose a generator that will fit your lifestyle is to connect with a home generator installation professional. They can help you decide based on your location which fuel source will be the most reliable for your home generator. Call our team at Stansbury Electric today to get support. We would love to assist you!

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